Gospel of John Commentary
Well, I’ve been wanting to do a commentary on some books of the Bible anyway; so, why not now? But, it came about a bit unexpectedly – though, that’s not a bad thing! Pastor Marlow of the Bradenton Tabernacle Gospel Church in Florida just so happened to have been wanting to re-start the church’s Bible College (which had thrived under the teachings of a gifted brother, named Lonnie Rhodes, in the past); but, that was many years ago. However, I was absolutely honored to accept their invitation to become one of its new teachers, and hence this book has come-about as a result of the first two semesters. However, and since I was new to this church (hadn’t been there even a year when classes begun!), I wasn’t sure if my “doctrine” (which, of course, I truly hope has all come from the Lord Himself – beginning with some extremely gifted teachers and ministers that I sat under during my growing years in Texas, whom I feel were God-lead in teaching me many biblical lessons) didn’t clash with what Brother Marlow and Brother Rhodes believed themselves. That being the case, I had at first suggested that I start teaching on lighter topics than doctrine – such as history, on where our Bibles had come from. But, Brother Marlow, the main pastor of this church, wanted the teachings to begin on the Gospels. Certainly, I wanted to tread softly with what I taught – so as to not step on any toes with my teachings; but, as I got more into it, I felt compelled by the Lord to dive a little deeper than what I had at first intended; but, certainly, keeping wisdom with such an endeavor as a top priority – for, surely, my desire was not to overstep the bounds of propriety and common sense simply because I feel like somebody should believe what I myself believe! My goal in all this was to have the student’s best interest in mind, and of what they needed to grow in knowledge of the Bible and of the Lord. I certainly am not the author of the Bible, so I only relay what I feel that the Lord has shown to me. Being so the case, if any credit is due to this present work (if any merit whatever can or should be given), then I dedicate all of it to Jesus Christ and His (and, our!) dear heavenly Father. Glory be to Their glorious name evermore. Amen.
~ Ted A. Roberts