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Published and "Soon to be Published" Books

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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Book cover for Brotherly Love


This is actually my first book on Christian Theology, and one that lays the foundation of all my other writings/books ... The following will be links to how you can purchase the book, as well as having a chance to read the first few chapters. (More chapters to come soon!) Also, afterwards will follow the book's official description, which comes from the back cover...



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BOOK DESCRIPTION: (from the back cover)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ will salvage us unto life eternal ... But just what is the Gospel of Christ? Is it the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus, who was on this earth 2,000 years ago? Is that the good news? Yea, verily, that is good news. However, as this book points out, 'to love one another as He loves us' is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. For it is love that kills our outward-man’s ways [Death]; buries him in baptism [Burial]; and causes our inward-man (named Jesus) to resurrect on the inside of us [and the Resurrection] ... Follow Christian Author Ted Roberts on a journey of spiritual enlightenment that, not only covers the basics of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also travels the roads of Godly agape love, and ultimately ends with what true love can actually do for a truth-seeking Christian who needs to know where that journey can lead them. And that journey ends at the road of life eternal, and of a spiritually understood Resurrected body! This book goes far beyond mere Christian Philosophy, but rather shows us a world of wonderment, which is very real, and that can only be understood and taught by God from the True Reality Realm, from which Jesus actually, and literally resides!

Brotherly Love author, Ted Roberts, has not only sat under an extremely gifted ministry during his youth, but he has also been studying the Written Word of God, along with History, for the past 30 years. Wishing to search, meditate on, and examine the Written Word as much as possible, and as in-depth as possible (along with historical documentations that actually complement the Divine Text) the author's wish is that he can please his Lord in the quest of helping others to understand the richness of God's vast repertoire, and to help people travel the road that the Apostle Paul explains as thus:


Ephesians 3:17-19

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Is it Really His Fault? 

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for Blaming God!




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BOOK DESCRIPTION: (from the back cover)

What we call or consider bad or evil may very well be a part of God's ultimate plan of salvation for us ... Really? ... If in bodily exercises we can say "no pain, no gain," then why can't we consider it good when God throws us onto the potter's wheel, to painfully shape and mold us into the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ? When that clay has been heavily worked, prodded and jabbed, we must certainly consider that it takes this kind of pressure to change the shape of the vessel, along with a burning baptismal fire that solidifies this container into its new form; but, it also takes the breaking of the rough edges to make us perfect, entire, and complete.

This book, indeed, explores and examines the possibility that, for such an endeavor to have its maximum effect upon the vessel in question, God may certainly use evil during the enterprise, making us wonder if He can truly be blamed for some of the sufferings that we occasionally go through! Can this really be the case? And if so, can this be a part of our walk that the Bible calls the ‘fellowship of His sufferings?’ If God spared not His own Son from enduring the Passion and the pain of the cross, through the hands of evil men, can we, like Christ, really escape learning obedience by the things that we suffer? And was Paul correct when he said that it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God?


Follow along with Christian, theological author Ted Roberts as he examines this premise, and read along as he answers the difficult question of whether or not we could or should blame God for some of our woes. Also, the author asks additional tough questions herein that a lot of Christians are afraid to ask themselves – or to even hear spoken on! Questions that have caused some people to turn their backs on God, thinking that there really couldn't be sound, reasonable answers to satisfy their predetermined thoughts. Questions, that is, that when properly answered, by using an analytical, sound approach to the Scriptures, demands that the reader (even in their most darkest hour!) admits to the supreme and awesome power of a very loving and kind-hearted God. A God, as we will learn, who sends His children through hellish situations at times for their own benefit and training, so that they can experience that eternal glory which shall be revealed inside of a tried, enduring, and purified vessel.

In the Beginning:
It was Spiritual 
from the Very Start 

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for In the Beginning




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BOOK DESCRIPTION: (from the back cover, and also the first paragraph of Chapter 1)

The main purpose of this book is to not only point out that there are indeed metaphoric teachings within the Christian Bible, but to also show how we can actually trace these said metaphors right to the very beginning of time! Since the topic of metaphoric understandings will also be covered in two other books (in this three part topic within the Seeking the Everlasting Gospel teaching series − see page 4), the ‘beginning' will only be spoken on here, to show folks that this extraordinary idea can certainly be traced back a long, long way; especially since some people feel that metaphors, idioms, parables, and all such like similitude's, may have only come briefly into existence during the early church period − if at all! Or, if some folks have already figured that those things were in there to begin with, their thoughts will simply be strengthened. Finally, it’ll be pointed out, along with other ideas, the differences of both the natural and the spiritual camps of understanding of the Written Word of God. And, again, that will be accomplished by talking about the Beginning...

The Church and the Five-Fold Ministry:
Should we put our trust in man?

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for The Church




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Is the modern-day Church exactly what it should be? Are pastors and various other ministers doing their job correctly for the saints of God? Have the ministers that we find ourselves under truly been ordained by the Lord? Should we put our trust in man? Is it okay to be organized, or to be under a denomination? Are all the saints of God equal in status, or even equal to the ministry that they find themselves under? Are we able to find the pattern of the modern Church addressed in the New Testament letters? Are we supposed to be rebuilding the early church, or the Temple of Jerusalem, or even the Tabernacle in the wilderness? Or, have those days already come and gone? Should we advance beyond what has already been in the past? Is the modern church building the only thing left for us this day and age? And, are the practices and rituals that we perform within the church building the ultimate goal of the modern-day Christian? Or, are we supposed to advance beyond the building to see what God may have in store for us in this vast world? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this book . . . What may be termed as the 'modern Church' HAS been ordained by God. It, like many other things in Christendom, serves many good purposes. However, the modern church may best be viewed merely as a stepping stone toward a higher goal in God's spiritual kingdom; but, is certainly not the final goal. So saying, the actual, literal 'building' itself, of course, is not the true Church of God; it's not the true Temple of God; nor is it the true House of God; but, it's simply a gathering place for Christians to learn more about the Lord, and to not only help them grow in Christ, but can even serve as a way-station so that they can reenergize themselves for an upcoming harsh week. Unfortunately, a lot of Christian leaders cannot grasp that simple concept, which can certainly lead them (and has led them) to take things to a terrible level of ungodliness and greed. This book is an attempt to shine a light onto the true Ecclesia of Christ, which is not limited to four walls; and, of which, reaches beyond the limitations of a literal building. But, even so, I'm not here declaring that it's wrong for people to attend such services; we just simply must understand God's intentions and purposes for them. This book is certainly not a battle cry to tear the Church building down; nor am I asking the ministry to resign; but, this is rather a plea for all Christians to understand what the building is really all about, and to see the need for church services to flow with the leading of God's Spirit instead of the spirit of man. The true ministry of Christ needs to step forward and to replace many false leaders who have nothing more than the spirit of a Pharisee! But, especially, this is a look beyond the literal Church building, and on into the spiritual world of Christ; and, of a spiritual walk with Him – which should be the ultimate goal for any true Christian. Follow along with Christian, theological author Ted Roberts as he explores these ideas, and more, in "The church and the five-fold Ministry: Should we put our trust in man? Carnal ordinances, part 1, A guide for both Minister and Layman..."

New Jerusalem:
The Mother of us All 

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for New Jerusalem




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Truly, if we consider ourselves to be spiritually born again, then we must ask of whom our spiritual parents are. Just as we were born the first time naturally from our natural parents, surely, at our second birth – a spiritual birth – we'll have parents for that birth, too. And, perhaps, our second set of parents are none other than the Lamb of God and His Bride the New Jerusalem. But (as some contend), if they aren't even married yet – for it's a marriage that a few see futuristically – then we just may find ourselves in an odd and uncomfortable situation. However, if we take the Apostle Paul at his word, the Lamb's Bride, New Jerusalem, was already his mother nearly 2,000 years ago:


Galatians 4:26 (written in the first century AD)

But Jerusalem which is above [spiritual, rather than natural] is free, which is [present tense] the mother of us all.


But, again, that can't even be possible if, as some say, the Bride and the Lamb don't even get married until sometime in our future; or, that we won't even be a part of the Bride until much later on. And, yet, if we were born from her at our second birth, we're not only a part of her already, but she's certainly a part of us – just as our natural mother has been; and, ever since she first appeared many years ago, as will be explored, this spiritual mother hasn't gone anywhere out of sight – unless, it's out of fleshly sight – for, she can be found if we know where to look, and if we're given a spiritual eye to see and a spiritual ear to hear. But, if she's not already a part of us, via the spiritual birthing process, and we can't even properly call ourselves the children of the Lamb and the Bride just yet, then Paul, as well as all of us, may truly have been born out of wedlock, making all of us illegitimate children ... But, once more, that's only how some see it ... This book not only explores such questions, but actually shows how that the Bride and the Lamb already got married on the Day of Pentecost, in circa AD 30, as can be seen from Acts chapter 2; and, that there have been spiritual births from that union ever since that very important day in biblical history; and, too, that both of them are always a part of us and are always with us ... Not only this large, important subject will be covered, but these pages also explore two distinct Resurrections; the Man Child; two distinct thousand year reigns; the Inner Man; End Time Prophesy; being Asleep in Jesus as opposed to being Alive and Remain; the Mother of Harlots; the Daughter of Jerusalem; the Eighth Day; the Two Witnesses; the Mind of Christ; Three Heavens; the Garden of Eden; the Tree of Life vs the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; and much, much more! In fact, Christian, Theological Author Ted A. Roberts digs deeper into difficult subjects of study than he had in his four previous, published books in this ‘Seeking the Everlasting Gospel Teaching Series.’

Satan, the Devil, and Hell:

Literal Things? Or, Highly Symbolic?

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)


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Book Cover for Satan, Devil, and Hell




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I not only address whom satan or the devil is in this book, but I also address what hell is as well. But, not only; for, I also delve into the origin of evil itself. Where did it and darkness come from? Did evil just pop-up someplace unexpected one day in the Garden of Eden - for, suddenly, in chapter 3 therein, we see the serpent appear, but with no mention of where he had come from! Why is there no true origin of him found in the first few chapters of Genesis? How come we cannot even find a descriptive creation of hell? . . . Also, where does this mysterious dragon come from in the book/letter of Revelation? And, who and what is he? But, also, what is the true calculation of six hundred and sixty-six? But, not six plus six plus six, as many contend; and, what does that number have to do with the original Hebrew alphabet? . . . Lucifer also is addressed; but, somehow, he has a strange connection to a King of Babylon, to a King of Tyre, to Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and to Cyrus! But, why, and how? . . . And, not only, but why did satan have to get special permission from God to lay a finger on Job? How was satan even allowed into Heaven (as it appears to be in Job 1:6), after he was previously kicked out at the beginning, to discuss such possibilities with God to start with? Didn’t satan run the risk of God stopping him if he revealed his plans to Him? . . . What happens to souls when they die? Is the body dying and the soul dying really two separate things? How can a literal, natural flame, which is located at the center of the earth, even effect a dead soul? . . . Why is it that, in the Greek New Testament, there are two completely different words, with two different meanings, to describe hell in most Bibles today? That is, both Hades and Gehenna – especially since Gehenna is really a literal, natural valley that’s located outside one of Jerusalem’s old walls? For, Jesus specifically told some of those people, during His own day and time (in Matthew 5:29), that their own, natural bodies were going to get thrown therein. And, ironically, that actually happened about forty years later when Rome had besieged Jerusalem; and the Roman leader, Titus himself, had witnessed many dead bodies getting tossed into that valley. Upon seeing them laying there pitifully, he suddenly raised his hands to Heaven, telling God, assuredly, that such was not his own doing! . . . These, as well as other important issues (such as Laws, Sinning, and Punishments) will be addressed thoroughly in the pages of this book!

Gospel of John


by Ted A. Roberts

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for John Commentary




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Full commentary on the Gospel of John, precisely as laid-out during two terms of Bible classes conducted at “Tabernacle Bible College” in Bradenton, Florida during 2021, taught by Theologian and Author Ted A. Roberts. This commentary covers the entire Gospel of John scripture by scripture. Also, included, in the back Appendix, are each weekly quiz that was given to students after every chapter/class was covered - which was taken home with them as homework. This Commentary, with some newly explored ideas, promises to challenge the mind of any student of any age and of any level - no matter if they’re just beginning their biblical journey or are seasoned ministers! 




CHAPTER 1 is now available to read; more chapters coming soon. Click HERE for more information.



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Book Cover for Romans


Full commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, precisely as laid-out during Bible classes conducted at “Tabernacle Bible College” in Bradenton, Florida, during 2022; taught by Theologian and Author Ted A. Roberts. This commentary covers the entire letter of Paul to the Romans scripture by scripture. Also, included, in the back Appendix, are each weekly quiz that was given to students after every chapter/class was covered – which was taken home with them as homework. This Commentary, with some newly explored ideas, promises to challenge the mind of any student of any age and of any level – no matter if they’re just beginning their biblical journey or are seasoned ministers!






The Life Story of William Sowders


(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle -

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Here, presented for the first time in over forty years, are the contents of an almost forgotten about yellow-cover booklet on the life story of one extraordinary Prophet and Bible Teacher named William Sowders – founder of School for the Prophets, as well as starting and establishing hundreds of churches around the world. He was an extremely gifted minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, becoming known as “THE” teacher (not just “A” teacher) of God’s Word in 20th century America, beginning just prior to the 1920’s, and lasting until the Lord took him home in 1952.


As the original booklet of this work had the extreme need of retyping and editing of its text, from original author Oneal Carman (from the 1970’s), author Ted A. Roberts has now, in our modern times, taken it upon himself to re-type this older work – which only a small handful of Christians still own in its original form. Having received a copy himself, back in the mid-1990’s, from the hands of his own pastor, Ted has read and re-read its contents many times over; and finally, now, has felt an incredible need to reintroduce William Sowders to the world at large in this newly adapted version of the older account; because brother Sowders, along with his revolutionary insights into the scriptures, has become more and more obscure toward this newer generation of saints . . . And, that tragedy will now be remedied!




Sword Against the Robe
Christian-Themed Historical Novel 

(PUBLISHED in Paperback and Kindle - see purchasing options just below)

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Book Cover for Sword Against the Robe




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BOOK DESCRIPTION: (from the back cover)

On the first Monday of April 1625, in Paris, Monsieur Charles d'Avaloy, a lieutenant in Louis XIII's Guard, suddenly finds himself mixed up in some high intrigue. Other than duels (which, admittedly, he has done quite often, and for a long time), the soldier normally keeps away from public life as much as possible. So, why, all of a sudden, does somebody want him dead? And, whoever it is, is willing to set assassins at his heels to make sure that the job gets done right ... Again, dueling other soldiers for honor is one thing, but assassination attempts are quite another! Within a single evening, not only is this man's life turned completely upside-down, but in order to keep this matter as hushed as possible, several other men have already been murdered – one of them just for attempting to warn him!


To top things off, and on this same eerie evening, Monsieur d'Avaloy's brother, who's a priest, happens to also visit –mysteriously, after nine years of them being separated – to warn him to turn away from a life of the sword, else it will be his undoing! Even though the priest admits that he knows nothing of these sudden attempts upon his brother's life, the soldier does begin to wonder if the man's presence and words are a prophesy, or just a weird coincidence. Is God truly, and through these strange occurrences, trying to sway the solider away from his violent lifestyle? That is, since he has killed every single man with whom he has dueled? Or – and, as the soldier also begins to think – is God only besetting him with these current, horrible things to finally destroy him in the name of justice? Whatever's happening, will Monsieur d'Avaloy turn away from his life of violence and accept a life of priestly robes – since he feels that this is the real reason for his brother's visit? Or, will he end up dying by the sword, since he has been living by the Sword? ... Even though the priest assures him that his visit is only to give him peace within his heart (because, since his youth, the soldier has suffered horribly from deep depression – a result of the daily thrashings from his supposed Christian father), and to tell him that by accepting faith in God, and of stopping all the violence, that it will finally set him at liberty ... But, after everything is said and done, what will the end results be? Will the swordsman, through all of these events, find out that these circumstances, which have finally caught up with him, truly are the results of his life of the sword as opposed to a life of faith? Or, rather, the difference of having peace in one's heart who wears the priestly robes, as opposed to the violent, disturbing lifestyle of those who fiercely wield a blade? In other words, perhaps his has been a life of a sword against the robe! 

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